Art Skills & Craftsmanship
What is essential part of the art
Through millennia art referred to skills acquired through learning and practice it is true in all forms of arts and artistic expressions. Artist learned and practice to achieve perfect "how to":
Grasp the pencil correctly in the palm of the hand to effectively manage pressure and control motion along both straight and curved lines as the hand glides over the semi-transparent paper. Each layer of semi-transparent paper placed above facilitates the precise movement of the pencil, ensuring the fluidity of the lines and location of the accents.
Carve through marble and granite to free sculptures from bulky blocks, cast in gypsum and bronze, cut through wood, prepare canvases, and mix and apply colors that endure for centuries. Master the art of playing musical instruments to achieve optimal performance. All these abilities are developed through dedicated learning and consistent practice.

When examining artwork, whether it be a painting or a drawing, one can identify various stylization transformations and the omission of details that stem from the artist's confidence in their skills, as well as the compositional challenges they seek to address. This stands in stark contrast to instances where the artist lacks a compositional problem to resolve and demonstrates a clear deficiency in their skills.

For Artworks to be a collectible artifact the first-pre-requisite is craftsmanship required for artifact to survive ions as a perfect art creation. Craftsmanship is achieved by selecting best available materials to insure endurance of the artifact. Usage of proven practices in the process of creation.
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